It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions over the past three months, the lion’s share of these having been experienced within our own four walls. This piece by Zanotto, a Helsinki based designer, animator and a short-film director, perfectly sums this up and reminds us that even on the darkest of days there is always hope and also room for humour. Always!
1) How have you been feeling during the lockdown period?
I’m feeling pretty ok. My life did not change extremely as I mainly work from home and have been having video calls for many years. Homeschooling the kids was a bit challenging, on the other hand, it was nice that the family was a lot together. I kind of have a romantic feeling about this.
2) What have you doing to stay positive? What have you been reading / listening to/ watching?
Lots of cooking, some exercise and especially, keeping a routine. I listen to Jon Hopkins a lot and read a lot of news.
3) How have you found the creative process during lockdown?
As everything slowed down a bit, I enjoyed working more on free-projects, and that is always good.
4) What has inspired you /your work during lockdown?
That pretty much stayed the same as before. Everything.
5) How are you feeling about the future?
I hope this is a wake-up call to humanity, all though to be honest I do not have too much faith in the very long run. Somehow we wait till our own garden burns, before we start moving.
About Lucas Zanotto
Lucas Zanotto is a designer, animator and director. He also started the company YATATOY that focuses on childrens content.

Born in the Alps of Northern Italy.
Lived and worked in Milan, Barcelona, Berlin and currently based in Helsinki.