The Portal – mads perch x roberto rosolin
Long time collaborators photographer Mads Perch and art director Roberto Rosolin decided to respond to these challenging times by setting on a creative journey with their latest personal project 'The Portal'. 'The Portal' is meant to represent a gateway to a
You can run but contrary to popular opinion, you can also hide. This work by New York based visual artist Brooke DiDonato was inspired by a book which sat, previously unnoticed, in the artists' bathroom and beautifully evokes the feeling
British Food Misunderstood by Ilka & Franz
In their British Food Misunderstood series, Ilka & Franz reinvent six of the most confusing British dishes. How would you imagine Black Pudding, Shortbread or Bubble and Squeak if you had no idea what they were? Ilka & Franz
SHOT IN SOHO at The Photographers’ Gallery
Shot in Soho is an original exhibition presented at The Photographers’ Gallery, London, celebrating Soho’s diverse culture, community and creativity at a time when the area is facing radical transformation. Although relatively small in size (one square mile approximately) and bordered
New series by Reuben Wu – Lux Noctis
Lux Noctis is an award-winning series of photographs depicting landscapes within the framework of traditional landscape photography but influenced by ideas of planetary exploration, 19th century sublime romantic painting, and science fiction. "We are overwhelmed everyday by beautiful images of the